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Verse of the Day:

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

RC5 for Jesus

After a period of inactivity, I find that RC5 for Jesus is still going on. RC5 for Jesus is a team participating in the RSA Lab's RC5 Encryption Challenge via distributed.net. The challenge is seeing who can "crack" the encrypted message first. Distributed.net is an organization that figured out how to split up very large tasks among as many computers as will join in. So, what has this to do with Jesus?

Well, directly, nothing. However, some Christian who is technically savvy saw just how popular the Top 100 Teams page is and thought what better way to put his computer to use that by putting Jesus name on that page. The RC5 for Jesus homepage has instructions on how to join, if you have a computer that tends to be left on. The application runs at the lowest priority level so as not to interfere with your normal usage.

Oh and a warning, the distributed.net client will show up as "undesirable" to most anti-virus programs. This is because the desire to be on the Top 100 page is so strong, that some participants had attempted to include the distributed.net client in a Trojan Horse to hijack unwitting computers into participating on their behalf. As long as you download the program directly from distributed.net, then it is safe, no matter what the anti-virus program may say.

Why try to put Jesus name on a page that only gets looked at by computer geeks? Because computer geeks need the Gospel, too.
I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. And this I do for the gospel's sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you.
(1Co 9:22b-23 KJV)
They even (once you've submitted some completed work) give you your own stats page with a convenient place to put your testimony or favorite verse. And the link shows up on your neighbor's pages.

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