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Verse of the Day:

Friday, January 23, 2009

Shaving for the Lord

As I was getting ready for work this morning, I really didn't want to shave. I don't like shaving, and at this particular event, I would even fit in better with the people I work with, if I did not shave. However the boss, the owner of the company, has set a policy that his employees will not have a full beard (goatees and mustaches are okay) and will be clean shaven.

As I was mentally preparing the rationalizations that would allow me to put down the razor and go to work with a days growth of beard on my face, I realized that it was the LORD against whom I was preparing to rebel. That instead of grumbling in myself at the need to scrape the fur from my face, instead I should be grateful to even have a job. Paul wrote that we should honor our employers as we honor the Lord. I shave, not because my boss will fire me; but rather because the Lord has blessed me.

Thank you Lord, for allowing me to shave for You!


Blogger Patrick Shouse said...

We were just discussing the parallel passage to this one in Ephesians (http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=ephesians%206:5-9;&version=50;) in our Wed. night bible study this week.

Shaving for the Lord . . .that's great illustration of the principle. Mind if I borrow it?


6:58 PM, January 23, 2009  
Blogger Bryan said...

Sure, if you find it useful. No problem.

9:55 PM, January 23, 2009  

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