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Verse of the Day:

Monday, March 24, 2008

5 years of war every day

After 5 years in Iraq, 4000 brave American solders, sailors, airmen, guardsmen, and marines have fallen. Today, 4000 innocent lives will be taken here in America.

Over the past 5 years, 4000 of our bravest, volunteers who have chosen to fight there instead of waiting for the Islamist enemy to continue their war on us here, have made the ultimate sacrifice. Our enemy for the most part has slain our finest men and women through the use of remotely detonated bombs and the occasional homicide bomber.

We are involved in another war, a war in which 4000 innocents on average die every day of the year in America alone. It called abortion. Unlike our brave military volunteers, these innocents have no choices. The weapons of their enemy are far more horrifying than roadside bombs and human murder bombers. There are options, murdering an innocent unborn child should not be one of them.

Defunding Planned Parenthood (the nations largest abortion provider) and any other abortion providing institution would be a step in the right direction. There is a bill in the house, "Title X Family Planning Act" (S.351), that would accomplish this. If only our Representatives can stand in the face of the multi-billion dollar abortion industry.

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