Is God Your Genie in the Lamp?
God will not be a "Genie in the Lamp" to be summoned forth when needed and stuffed away when things are going well.
If that is the God you desire, you will quickly become disappointed when the answer to your prayer becomes, "No".
Despite what the "Health and Prosperity" teachers claim, "No" is a valid answer. As a matter of fact, "No" is most often the best answer, because we don't even know what we should be asking for in a great many cases! Just like you tell your children "no" when they ask for something that will harm them, wither they understand the potential harm or not; the Lord often has to tell us "no"!
Jesus said "... whatever you ask the Father in my name he will give you." (emphases added) By saying, "In my name", Jesus wasn't telling us to place "in the name of Jesus" on the end of our prayers as some magic tag line to make miracles happen! And anyone who come to think this will quickly find out they are wrong. Unfortunately, they often blame God, instead of ever learning the truth.
The Lord will give you anything that is in accordance with His will. That is, if "If you remain in (the Lord Jesus) and (the Lord Jesus') words remain in you, ask for whatever you want and it will be done for you." He can say this because, your desires will become His desires, if you do as He says (study the Scriptures, and Love the Lord God with all your heart mind, strength and soul).
Here is a person who believes "Jesus lied" because he does not understand the very words on the pages of the Bible, and the verses that he quotes. However, his page makes a very good list of verses, when studied together (with the power of the Spirit) proves the point of what I'm trying to say. Jesus didn't lie, God is no magic genie, and the power of prayer includes "no" as an answer.
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