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Verse of the Day:

Friday, October 29, 2004

A new event

It seems that work needs me to attend a Rib Festival in Florida, the NEX RibFest, to be exact. It is the weekend of November the 14th. (It's on my calendar, here.) I had planned on attending Mace, a local RPGA and gaming convention. But, oh well, if they need me to go to a rib festival (and are willing to pay), one must make sacrifices. :-)

Click here for the full post.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Viewpoint Corporation, installer of Trojans

So, I check my computer this morning and I find that some software named "Viewpoint Media Player" has updated itself and is asking me for permission to apply the update.

"That's weird", I think to myself, "I don't remember installing any such software".

I check out the little pop-up in the lower right hand corner and quickly discover that the "Media Player" update is actually their way of trying to install their toolbar application! I really dislike companies whose business model is deception! I investigate where this "Viewpoint Media Player" came from. It appears that AIM (AOL Instant Messenger) was the delivery agent of this Trojan. I clicked "No Thanks" to the "Upgrade" and immediately when to Add/Remove Programs and uninstalled the two "Viewpoint" softwares. Then, a simple Search revealed a half-dozen more files which deleted nicely.

I Googled Viewpoint Corporation and they seem to be a company on the rise. They are big into advertising. Interestingly I also found an on-line petition.

The online petition quoted the bit below:

From Privacy Statement @ http://www.viewpoint.com/vp_license_privacy.html :

"Viewpoint may download updates, upgrades, and/or Third Party Software during these communications or when the Software detects a file that requires a component that is currently not installed. These downloads will occur automatically and without any advance notification to you."

"Viewpoint is not responsible for any Third Party Software and shall have no liability for your use of Third Party Software."

The on-line petition requested that Viewpoint cease this practice as it compromises the security of any computer which their software has been installed.

Personally, I think I'll just boycott the company. I added viewpoint.com to the Restricted Sites zone on my Internet Explorer, as well as creativepro.com which was the prior name of the company and they still own the website.

Did I mention I really dislike companies who use dishonest (deceptive) methods to install their software?

Click here for the full post.

Friday, October 22, 2004


A friend sent me a silly video made to look like a Florida Election computer screen. The frustrated voter chased the "John Kerry" button all over the screen, until when he finally caught it, it changed to a "George Bush" button just as he clicked it.

It shows the true power of the press, when in the 2000 Presidential Election the Democratic Party tried their best (and fortunately failed) to disenfranchise 25,000 of Florida's absentee voters (in Seminole and Martin Counties) and somehow, they (the press) manage to paint the Republican Party as guilty of this type of action.

C-Span has a page full of Court Rulings from the 2000 Election, it makes for informative reading. :-)

Click here for the full post.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

The Golf Channel

The 2004 Charles Schwab Cup Championship is being carried by The Golf Channel. It will be on 5:00pm and 9:00 pm daily, today through Sunday, and the final round will be rebroadcast at 1:30 pm on Monday. Program guide, here.

Click here for the full post.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Sign, what sign?

Trust us, we're professionals!

Whad'dya mean, we need to move the sign?

Click here for the full post.

Monday, October 18, 2004

Weather Challenges

Looks like there will be rain for most of the next week here in Sonoma, if the Weather Channel has it right. Tenday forecast for the Sonoma Golf Club. Ah, the joys of working outside. ;-)

Click here for the full post.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Security Threat

I'm really beginning to dislike being a security threat. I'm often traveling on one-way tickets as I go from city to city for my work. It seems that anyone flying one-way is considered to be more likely a terrorist, and gets a very thorough going over in airport security. It is not native business men who are a security threat, but we are exactly the ones being targeted by the current system. More efficient security screening is needed. This will be both more cost-effective for the government, as well as less of a hassle for the hordes of honest business travelers.

Besides, the poor TSA agents really shouldn't have to poke around in my dirty laundry every time I fly. :-)

Click here for the full post.

Monday, October 11, 2004

Administaff Small Business Classic 2004 Photos

There's a new album up at Sony's ImageStation. Due to camera issues, there's only 44 images in the album, and as always they are of dubious merit. :-)

Click here for the full post.

It's over... until next week.

The Administaff Small Business Classic 2004 is over. All the lasers are put away, and we have only to pack the scoreboards back into the truck before it is time to head out to Sonoma. As a fan, these Champions Tour events are great. You get excellent access to the players, and they play great golf! It seems to be harder working this tour, but it is still fun. :-)

Click here for the full post.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

A Democratic Mantra

I was thinking about last nights Presidential Debate, and something Senator Kerry said reminded me of something. When asked a couple of "morality" questions, Senator Kerry responded with something along the lines of; I respect your opinion/beliefs/morality, but I have to be the President for everyone so I cannot force your morals on them. This "cannot force your (Christian) morals on everyone else" has been a Democratic mantra for some time now.

Consider what this means. Everyone's actions are guided by their morals. If you claim a set of morals, but act otherwise, then your morals are other than you claim. According to Senator Kerry, he shares Christian morals as a Catholic, but his morals will not interfere with his job as President. If he claims Christian morals, but will not act out of these morals, then he simple does not have Christian morals. Instead, according to him, it is immoral to push Christian values on anyone, however it is morally correct to push non-Christian values on Christians.

Law is morality put to legislation. Morals are those beliefs which guide our actions. Saying that you cannot legislate morality, or that you will not act from your own moral beliefs are both oxymoronic statements. An oxymoron is a statement that cannot be true, because it contradicts with itself.

Ah, well. Enough for today. :-)

Click here for the full post.

Monday, October 04, 2004

The Texas Renaissance Festival

If I could find the time, I'd be going! Hopefully I'll make it to the North Carolina Ren Fair this year.

Click here for the full post.

One down, one to go.

My camera is repaired! Look for pictures from the Administaff Small Business Classic here in Spring TX, soon. Now I just need to fix my printer.

Click here for the full post.

Sunday, October 03, 2004


At the Administaff Small Buisness Classic, I'm really missing my camera. Here there are Snowy Egrets in the ponds, hordes of deer, and even a stray Road Runner. Technology continues to taunt me, as my printer has now failed. Ah well. :-)

Click here for the full post.

Extended Tour

Instead of flying home October the 12th, I'll be flying to Sonoma California for the Charles Schwab Cup. This is a Champions Tour (formerly known as the Senior Tour) event.

Click here for the full post.