Ballot Access Drive Begins!
The Constitution Party of North Carolina Ballot Access drive has began. We need the help of each and every freedom loving North Carolinian. With your help the CPNC can meet this challenge and ensure that the true Conservatives voice can be heard.
The state of North Carolina has some of the most restrictive ballot access laws, ranking at approximately the 3rd most restrictive in the entire nation. According North Carolina General Statute Chapter 163 Section 96(a)(2) to initially gain access to the election ballot, a political party must obtain signatures from 2% of the total number of citizens that voted in the most recent general election for the office of Governor. This means, for the Constitution Party of North Carolina to gain access to the ballot by 2012, and to be able to field candidates to appear on the ballot under the Party's name, we must obtain at least 85,378 signatures. We actually need to obtain more than this number since only about 70% of the signatures we turn in will be certified by the local County Boards of Election for various reasons (i.e. individual moved out of state, not registered to vote, or in the worst case died). So, in reality we must obtain approximately 122,000 signatures.
Please help us by downloading our petition for ballot access, linked below, and gathering as many signatures as you can to put toward the total number needed. For us to achieve ballot access in 2012, we are looking to obtain at least 2,033 signatures every month until May of 2012. Please be apart of ensuring your right to vote is acknowledged in 2012 to work for better more free elections and the principled constitutional stands of candidates from the Constitution Party of North Carolina.
The Constitution Party of North Carolina stands strongly opposed to these high restrictions on the ballot, and the harmful collateral cost incurred to freedom due to these restrictions. We believe that laws such as these, that unduly restrict the liberty of the individual citizen are a violation of our Constitution, Declaration of Independence and God-given rights. We call on the citizens of North Carolina, regardless of political affiliation, to stand with us and tell our elected representatives in the North Carolina General Assembly to break down these restriction on liberty and restore the people's right to vote unabridged, or face the risk of having to finding a new job.
Please send this information out to all of your family, friends and freedom groups!
Ballot Access petition:
Ballot Access page:
If you have any questions or comments please contact us.
In Freedom and Liberty,
The Constitution Party of North State Executive Committee
Phone: 1-88-VOTE-CPNC
"Principle over Politics"
Labels: ballot access, politics
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